
How To Load jQuery From Google CDN

WordPress by default load its own jQuery in your theme BUT using the following snippet in your theme’s functions.php file will load the library directly from Google CDN.

Snippet Source/Credit: WP Tips

How To Paginate Your WordPress Site Like Dribbble

Simply paste the following snippet to your theme’s single.php file at the place where you want to display the dribbble-like pagination.

Snippet Source/Credit: Elliott Richmond

Adding Gravatars For The Post Author

Simply paste the following snippet and you will be able to automatically add the author gravatar to each post.

Snippet Source/Credit: emoticode

How To Change Author URL Base

Pasting the following code in your theme’s functions.php file will change the same. Remember to replace profile on line 4 by any slug you like.

Snippet Source/Credit: Kevin Chard

How To Redirect To A Custom Page After Registration

The following snippet will let you redirect to a custom page once registration got completed. Simply copy the snippet and paste it to your theme’s functions.php file.

Snippet Source/Credit: TheDeadMedic

How To Change WordPress Login Logo Title Attribute

On simply pasting the following snippet into your theme’s functions.php file, you will be able to change WordPress login logo title attribute.

Snippet Source/Credit: Dave Clements