
Easy WordPress Drop Downs using CSS

The following WordPress snippets will let you use easily WordPress drop downs using CSS.

Source: AmberWeinberg

Change footer-text in WP Admin

Using the WordPress Snippets will change the text in the bottom of the WP admin pages.

Reduce spam by using .htaccess

Adding the following shortcode will let you reduce spam on your WordPress blog by using .htaccess. Simply paste the following lines into your .htaccess file but also make a note that you do make a backup of your .htaccess file before editing it.


Redirecting your homepage to the first post

Simply paste the code to your site’s homepage file (mainly it is index.php file) and you will be able to redirect your homepage to the first post.

Source: Ashton Sanders

Include Future Posts in RSS Feed

Adding the snippet to your theme’s functions.php file will let you appear your future posts in your RSS feed.

Display a thumbnail of any website

Simply paste the code below into your functions.php file.


How to automatically add a search field to your navigation menu

On copying the code to your theme’s functions.php file you will be able to add a search filed automatically to your navigation menu.

Source: Ronald

Remove meta-boxes

Using this snippet, you can remove the meta-boxes you don’t use.

Remove Gallery Settings

Gallery setting often make you irritated. The following snippet will simply remove all the gallery settings from the media upload section. All you have to do is simple add the code in your functions.php file.

How to change WordPress editor font

Adding the following shortcode to your functions.php file will let you change the default WordPress editor font.

Source: DevPress