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If you regularly build websites for people, there’s a need to white label each of them. And Branda Pro is the right tool for that.

The team responsible for Branda Pro is the popular WPMU Dev. They have a sizeable collection of awesome plugins like Hummingbird Pro, Forminator, Defender and much more.

Branda Pro is another exceptional plugin from the WPMU Dev collection. It is one of the best white label plugins in the market. The plugin is easy to use, and it provides formidable features.

In this review guide, we would take a look at some of the plugin features, as well as the benefits of the plugin.

A Brief Introduction on White Labeling       

The white label simply relates to changing the branding of the WP dashboard. Users can customize logos, login, colors and more. Having such customizable options is great when you deal with multiple WordPress sites. The default WordPress dashboard is not everybody’s taste, and it is ideal to have a customizable solution.

Thankfully, Branda Pro does a fine job. It is an easy-to-use plugin with intuitive features.

Let’s get started with the review.

Branda Pro Overview

After the installation and activation process of Branda Pro, users are taken to a dashboard where they can set up their preferences. Using the Branda Pro is easy to use, navigate, and set up.

Let’s get started with the various sections of Branda Pro.

The sections we would be looking at include:


The dashboard houses all the changes you make in addition to widgets used. The dashboard is a house for everything. You can easily access different areas of the plugin from the dashboard.

The dashboard displays various modules including activate/inactive modules, and frequently accessed modules. Simply manage all modules with a click of a button. You can customize all your plugin needs right from your dashboard.

Admin Area

The Admin area allows users to alter admin settings, and activate them individually. The Admin area has an Admin Bar, where users can upload their logo, customize the toolbar, customize menu items, and so on.

Overall, the Admin Area is a powerful feature that provides lots of customizable options like hiding pages, changing color schemes, edit user pages.


The Emails section enables users to customize emailed-related settings. Having an email section is a useful trait for any website.

Customizing default sender email, and selecting already existing templates for emails, are great features to have for any professional site.


This is where the magic happens. The Front-End section is one of the standout features of the plugin. Users can carry out a wide range of customization here. There are lots of options available here. Users can pick a template, edit the background image, customize a login screen. Users can make changes to logo size, colors and much more.

With Front-End settings, you can also customize the user registration screen, header & footer.


Branda Pro enables users to adjust various settings in the utility tab. This section allows users to change things such as set website mode, favicon and so on. Users can set up a custom favicon and place an upload limit for images.


With Branda Pro, you can customize the dashboard to meet your taste and requirements of the website. You can also add links to the dashboard. Links can be added to posts, pages and so on.


The last aspect we would look at is the Settings Section. This area allows users to customize and configure the plugin as they wish.

Take for example users give permissions and authorization for different roles and can choose what happens to data when they uninstall the plugin

Finally, the plugin lets you export and import plugin configuration and use it on different sites.

Using Branda Pro

Branda Pro offers tremendous features to users. There are so many features that make life easy for users. Features are useful and easily accessible to tech and non-tech enthusiasts.

In addition to what we’ve already touched, Branda Pro pro also provides round-the-clock support, email logging and more.

WPMU Dev has a one-in-all subscription plan for its plugin. What this means is that you pay one subscription to get all the plugins under the WPMU Dev umbrella-like Hummingbird pro, Forminator, and so on.

The Features (list)

  • Over 30 modules for customizing WordPress
  • Customize WP admin and dashboard
  • Create custom login screen
  • Custom favicon
  • Customize and white label WP widgets
  • Import/export settings
  • White label Multisite
  • GDPR cookie compliance
  • White label system emails
  • Adjust all white label settings from one location
  • Coming soon and maintenance mode pages
  • Send system emails using SMTP
  • Custom DB error landing page
  • Easily insert analytics tracking codes
  • Customize admin CSS
  • Add author boxes to your posts
  • Disable/enable post commenting


The white-label offers an easy way to customize the dashboard on WordPress sites. Using White Label makes your dashboard professional, leaving clients happy. Branda Pro gives you the option to achieve all of these. It has several features and offers real-time solutions for all White Labeling needs