
It is not uncommon to come across some good looking theme for your website, only to find it either steeply priced or simply not available for the platform that you frequently use. It is disheartening to let go of the theme that you are sure matches your website, especially if you have been maintaining the site on your own and do not have the experience of a web developer at hand. However, the next time you stumble across a similar situation, you could actually turn to LookShift for a possible solution.

LookShift is a smart repository of responsive themes that are available for a variety of platforms and compatible with many languages and still available at affordable prices to one and all. Instead of charging you a fee for each theme that you download and use, LookShift grants you access to all its themes once you sign up for the service.


The best part of signing up for LookShift is that it is not only hassle free but once your payment goes through, you get immediate and full access to all the themes. There are no tiers in the membership packages or restrictions to the number of times you can use the theme. And all this for an unbelievably small fee of $1.29 a month!

LookShift’s package of themes is great for developers as well since the themes it offers are also available across all popular content management themes such as WordPress, Joomla, DotNetNuke etc. So, for a small subscription fee, the same theme can be used across different platforms and with no limits for the number of times a theme can be downloaded, the same theme can be used for different clients, without any issues.

The only restriction on using the subscription is that it is owned by the person who has signed up and sharing of usernames and passwords with colleagues and friends is not allowed. But with such a small subscription fee and so much to offer, users would hardly mind this restriction.


All themes available with LookShift are compatible with different language styles, irrespective of their layouts, whether left to right or right to left. So, as a developer, you could have clients anywhere in the world and cater to their needs with this simple subscription. LookShift currently offers 400 different themes across various platforms and different styles and will add more themes to its database as it continues to grow from strength to strength.

One important thing to note, however, is that you must have an active subscription to continue using themes from LookShift. So, you could be using one theme from them or probably 10 or even more, but your account has to be active to continue using them all. Help is always a message away and you can even go through the library of responsive themes available at LookShift before you decide to subscribe to this service. Payments are secure over PayPal and can be cancelled any time, if you no longer wish to continue using the themes.

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