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Moving WordPress From Local Server To Live Site


Although you got a full freedom to develop your WordPress website while on the move i.e. on the web itself but still preferably hundreds of thousands of developers around the world develop a WordPress website locally in lieu of speeding up the developing process.

While, once you are done with your website locally, the next step you would be looking onto move the site from local server to live site by migrating all of your posts, pages, images, themes and plugins. In this article, we are going to discuss all those steps require to complete the transfer.

#1 Local WordPress Database Export

To start the process, make sure you do have full access to your local server as well as you opted for the hosting service which supports WordPress very well. To export your local WordPress database, you will be required to use phpMyAdmin. Go to your localhost directory /phpmyadmin/ and click on your WordPress database and then click on the Export button from the top menu bar. Now choose custom, the option which will let you export your database. Simply select all your tablets now to export and gzipped all them together for compression. Once done, download it.

#2 Moving WordPress To Live Site

Open your FTP client now and connect it to your live site. On connection, start uploading the files but also make sure that you upload the files in the right directory as doing not as it have to be result in huge mess.

#3 Creating MySQL Database

Since the time the FTP client to take to upload all your WordPress files, its better you start working on importing your database. This can be done via cPanel. Log in to your cPanle dashboard and click on the MySQL database icon. Now create a database by entering a name for your database.

Once done, scroll down to MySQL users section and create or add an existing user to the database. As soon as you add the user, you will be asked by cPanel to set MySQL privileges for that user. Simply set all the privileges.

#4 Importing WordPress Database

Click on the phpMyAdmin section under your cPanel database section. On clicking, it will take you to the database which you created in step 3 above. You will notice that there will be no tables in your newly formed database. Not to worry, as if you remember you already downloaded all the tables in step 1 above.

Click on the Import tab in the top menu and click on choose file button followed by selecting the gzipped database file you saved in step 1. Press the Go button at the bottom of the page and phpMyadmin will now import your WordPress database.

#5 Updating Site URL

Since you done with all the basic but important parts, it’s time to set your site live with updating its URL. Look for the wp_options table in your phpMyAdmin. Click on the browse button next to wp_options and under the field options_name, you will find siteurl. Click the Edit Field icon and an edit field window will appear.

In the input box for option_value, you will see the URL of your local install probably something like: http://localhost/test. With proper care insert your new site url in this field, for example: http://www.example.com. Once done, make sure you save the field by clicking the Go button. Now, replicate the step for option name: home and update the home url to be the same as your siteurl.

#5 Final Step

Your site should be showing an Error Establishing Database Connection error. For this, you need to edit wp-config.php file and upload it back to your server. Now again checked you site and you will find, it should be live now. To ensure yourself completely, go to your WordPress admin panel, go to Settings > General and click save options. Go to Settings » Permalink and click Save.

Photo Credit: Flickr/Andrew

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How To Move A WordPress Site From One Server To Another?

There are times comes when you think and feel that it is the time now to move your WordPress site from your current server to new server. You do get confused and even most of the time you got panicked that how it all can be done without a hassle. The answer is simple first don’t panic as it’s a few step process with which you can move your WordPress site from one server to another while over the top you don’t need to reinstall the things. The content management system is flexible enough to handle all such conditions.

Note: The guide written by assuming that your whole website is powered by WordPress and the files are installed in the root of the website. If in case you have hot your website working in a directory like /blog then make modifications as it would be required.

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Step 1: Backing Up

  1. The first step you strictly have to follow is to back up whole of your data. This includes backing up your WordPress database along with all the core files, images, plugins and other files on your site.
  2. In order to backing up, there are many of useful backup plugins you can use which helps you securely backup the whole of your data. Plus you can also backup your site using the cPanel although at the end, the choice is completely yours but opting for either way is safe, so you need not to worry about.
  3. In case if you are just moving your WordPress from one server to another but keep the same domain name, then all you require is to edit wp-config.php with your new database/user information and upload everything to your new server.

Step 2: Don’t Require Your Old Blog

  1. In this case, download a copy of the main WordPress files from your old blog to your hard disk and edit wp-config.php as per your new server.
  2. Now, go back to your old blog and go to Administration > Settings > General and change the URL to that of new site.
  3. Once you now login to your server, go to phpmyadmin and export as file and then save your database, followed by uploading the new database and the copy of the WordPress core files with the edited wp-config.php to your new server.
  4. To remember here the time when you save your database, make sure you do keep the old one just in case. That’s it.

Step 3: Require Your Old Blog

This would be the case if you want your old blog as it is on your new server. Doing this is a two process procedure: activating your new blog and restoring your old blog

Activating Your New Blog

  1. First and foremost, download your complete WordPress installation to your local drive and name that folder. Make sure the naming you done would be appropriate to your old blog’s installation.
  2. Download your database.
  3. Now, go back to your old blog, then go to options and change both of the URL’s to that of your new site.
  4. Again download your entire WordPress installation to your local drive. Name the folder with this time to indicate that this is your new blog’s installation.
  5. Download your database once again but also keep the old one for just in case. Upload the database to your new server. The best shot is if you use the same name for database and creating of user with same login credentials on your new server as that of your old server.
  6. While, if in case, you use different database name and/or user, edit wp-config.php in your new blog’s installation folder appropriately.
  7. Upload the NEW blog’s installation folder to your new site and you are done.

Restoring Your Old Blog

  1. On your original server, delete your old blog’s database but only do this if you already have a copy on your local disk which I asked you to do so in the beginning.
  2. Upload your old blog’s installation folder to your original server; overwrite the files which are currently there.
  3. You may also delete the installation folder on the server and simply re-upload the OLD blog’s files.
  4. Upload your old blog’s database from your local computer to the server and you are done.

I strongly hope that the above guide helps you in all way. I will be happier if you share your opinions in the comment box below.

Photo Credit: Flickr/John Fischer

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