
How To Change The CSS In WordPress Gallery

The following snippet will let you change the CSS in WordPress gallery.

Snippet Source/Credit: WPEngineer

How To Have Easier Login URL In WordPress

Adding the following snippet below .htaccess, you will be able to have easier login URL in WordPress.

Snippet Source/Credit:

How To Allow HTML in WordPress User Bio Info

Adding the snippet in theme’s functions.php file and you will be able to have HTML in WordPress user bio info.

Snippet Source/Credit:

How To Print Current Template In WordPress

Adding the following snippet to your theme’s functions.php file, you will be able to print current template in WordPress.

Snippet Source/Credit: Snipplr

How To Manually load Google’s Latest jQuery In WordPress

Using the following snippet below, you will be able to manually load Google’s latest jQuery in WordPress.

Snippet Source/Credit:

How To Organize WordPress Category Archive Listing By Subcategory

The following snippet below will let you organize WordPress archive listings by subcategory.

Snippet Source/Credit: